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SELCO Foundation

SELCO stands for Sustainable Energy for Inclusive Development. They enable grassroot problem solving with an ecosystem’s perspective to enable effective and efficient delivery and sustenance of solutions. SELCO has pioneered the delivery of sustainable energy to the poor in India in a manner that creates assets and results in long term poverty alleviation. These sustainable energy driven solutions increase incomes, improves quality of life, and alleviates poverty.

Our philosophy is rooted in a conviction that underserved communities should be part of the solution design process.

SELCO Values & Philosophy

Since its inception, SELCO Foundation has been focused on creating and strengthening the ecosystem for last mile energy solutions for poor people across varied contexts. We work closely with communities to identify livelihood challenges and solve them using energy-efficient technologies and appropriately designed solar energy systems.
Our focus geographies have been selected in a manner that the solutions developed in these regions are able to represent the climate and socio-economic vulnerabilities across the world. SELCO Foundation works in other states of India as a knowledge and technical partner.